Commercial microalgae cultivation – while not new – has until now largely been focused on its potential as a source for biofuel. Our vision departs from this. Our dedicated team, working from California (Lyxia Corp.) to Shenzhen (Research and Process Development) and Guangxi, China (Production) is pursuing microalgae for its nutritional significance. Our microalgae – in live, and dried whole and defatted forms – is a valuable food source in aquaculture. More significantly, specific molecules that are essential nutrients can be isolated and purified from our microalgae. Backed by Xiaozao Technology (Anji) Co., Ltd. (Xiaozao), Lyxia will market the essential fatty acid nutrient eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), an Omega-3 produced by Nannochloropsis salina that is important to cardiovascular health. Nannochloropsis salina is a species of green microalgae that consumes CO2, a greenhouse gas, and in turn, produces oxygen. With the existing source of EPA currently on the market being fish oil, our vegetarian microalgae-derived EPA is a welcomed animal-component-free alternative that will help reduce the pressure on our planet’s threatened fish populations as we the market adopts our new, natural and sustainable EPA.
We will market our vegetarian EPA in a variety of forms and concentrations as well as blends with vegetarian docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), another essential Omega-3 fatty acid nutrient that is critical for brain and eye health. These and other products will serve a variety of markets, including human and animal nutrition, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical intermediates. Our R&D center in Shenzhen has advanced the productivity of our microalgal strains and the efficiency of our proprietary downstream extraction and purification processes. As we expand our production operation in Guangxi to maximum capacity, we expect to provide as many as 1000 quality jobs for local residents. We are open to collaborating with technology and commercial partners to bring health and wellness to all, and economic opportunities to a rural community.