Vesteraalens AS is a innovative seafood and marine ingredients company located by one of the world’s richest fishing fields.
Our headquarter is located in the city of Sortland in the northern part of Norway. In addition to this we have an sales office in Shanghai, China. We produce a wide variety of seafood products and marine ingredients. Our client base is spread all over the world including North-America, Europe and Asia.
Vesteraalens mission is to, through an extensive network of partners, build the world leading value chain for white fish. Our cooperation stretches from tight partnership with the fishing vessels, through the receiving stations and all the way to formulation work and design of finished consumer products together with our customers.
We build our business on harvesting carefully resources from the arctic waters in our region. Being dependent on nature, we are committed to harvest in a sustainable way and utilize the potential of our resources. Vesteraalens delivers all products under the certification requirements from MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) and FOS (Friends of the Sea).