The United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA) is an international association of forward-looking companies dedicated to providing consumers with natural health products of superior quality, benefit and reliability.
While UNPA continues to be a key player working with FDA to reach full and fair implementation of DSHEA, many other issues of vital importance to consumers and producers of natural health products are emerging:
• A shifting political landscape on Capitol Hill and aggressive enforcement actions by FDA
• Implementation of the Food Modernization Safety Act (FSMA)
• Integration of healthcare reform and personalized and integrative medicine
• Labeling of foods and ingredients containing genetically modified organisms (GMO), including GMO testing and supply-chain balance
• An accepted trade definition of natural
• A competent adverse event reporting structure in place, where applicable
• Nanotechnology and advanced analytical testing capabilities
• An expanded global marketplace, including Chinese trade opportunities and barriers
To address these and a host of other challenges and opportunities, UNPA has developed a comprehensive strategic plan, based on best practices, to lead the natural health products industry, including food, personal care and dietary supplement companies, into the 21st century. This effort includes the creation of a unique network of state chapters in key states with a strong natural products presence and a compelling economic-significance message targeted to federal and state legislators. This is in addition to advancing the overall natural health products agenda.