The Peruvian Anchovy fishery has historically been the preferred source of omega-3 rich fish oil for the global fish oil industry due to the abundance of its anchovy biomass, natural high levels of EPA & DHA, and its highly sustainable, best practises in fishery management.
TASA is the leading harvester of fish meal and crude fish oil from the Peruvian anchovy fishery, holding 25% of the annual fishing quota and providing a reliable & sustainable source of EPA+DHA for the entire global Omega -3 Ingredient Category.
The TASA - Omega Business Unit is the first and only 100% vertically integrated Omega-3 fish oil refining & concentration facility in Peru and offers security of supply and ingredient traceability from sea to capsule.
Our more than 2600 TASA employees are aligned with our corporate values that are based on a commitment to excellence, integrity, integrated development and sustainability.
In this way, we have become a leading, ethical and sustainable company that promotes innovation and operations in harmony with the community and the environment. In doing so, we actively contribute to the sustainable development of the entire fishing industry and the Peruvian economy as a whole.
Business Units:
1. Fishing Fleet
2. Fish meal and crude fish oil
3. Omega (Refined fish oil and omega 3 concentrates)
4. Shipyard